>>> Climatic Zones & It's conditions >>> How to read and describe a Climographs
1. TAKE NOTE: GEOG TEST this Thurs, 7/2/2013. (Bring your Textbook & calculators)
2. Now turn to your Latitude/World Map Worksheet in your file!
3. Now Listen!
Climatic Zones
- The Latitudes help to separate the Earth to the 3 Climatic Zones
- Each Climatic Zone has it's own set of conditions!
2. Now turn to your Latitude/World Map Worksheet in your file!
3. Now Listen!
Climatic Zones
- The Latitudes help to separate the Earth to the 3 Climatic Zones
- Each Climatic Zone has it's own set of conditions!
- The Latitudes help to separate the Earth to the 3 Climatic Zones
- Each Climatic Zone has it's own set of conditions!
& It's conditions - TRLEC (Titus Rat Loves to Eat Cake)
Location - latitude,
Examples of Countries that lie within the zone
- Tropical Zone (TRLEC)
- T- High Temperature all year round
- R- High Annual Rainfall
- L- Lies between 23.5°N and 23.5°S
- E- Singapore, Kenya, Thailand
- C- Tropical Climate
- Temperate Zone (TRLEC)
- T- Very high & low temperatures (Between 0°C and 34°C)
- R- Moderate Annual Rainfall
- L- Lies between 23.5°S & 66.5°S and 23.5°N & 66.5°N
- E- United Kingdom, Italy
- C- Temperate Climate
- Tropical Zone (TRLEC)
- T- High Temperature all year round
- R- High Annual Rainfall
- L- Lies between 23.5°N and 23.5°S
- E- Singapore, Kenya, Thailand
- C- Tropical Climate
- Temperate Zone (TRLEC)
- T- Very high & low temperatures (Between 0°C and 34°C)
- R- Moderate Annual Rainfall
- L- Lies between 23.5°S & 66.5°S and 23.5°N & 66.5°N
- E- United Kingdom, Italy
- C- Temperate Climate
- Polar Zone (TRLEC)
- T- Very Low Temperature, below freezing point
- R- Very Low Annual Rainfall
- L- Lies between 66.5°S & 90°S and 66.5°N and 90°N
- E- Greenland, Iceland
- C- Polar Climate
Take it Down in your Student Handbook
Workbook pg 87, Worksheet 11.2 Quest 1.
Deadline: TOMORROW!
(It is okay if you can identify the country but A,B,C & D must be filled! )
Have you completed your homework?
Let's go through the answers now. Wb Pg 87
What is a Climograph?
What can a Climograph tell you?
How to Describe a Climograph?
Using a Climograph, can you tell which Climatic zone that particular area belongs to?
- What can you read from a Climograph? (Highlight)
- Rainfall (mm)
- Temperature (°C )
- Monthly & Annual record
- You need to find out these first....
- Temperature
- STEP 1: Mean Annual Temperature = (highest temp + lowest temp) / 2
- STEP 2: Annual temperature range = Highest temp - Lowest temp
- Rainfall
- STEP 3: Total Annual Rainfall = Add all monthly rainfall readings
- Step 4:
Now DESCRIBE with the 3 data f rom Step 1-3 using...
- T - Time (when / period)
- A - Adjective (high,low,moderate)
- D - Data (figures)
- Write 3 TAD statements based on the above findings for Temperature & Rainfall...
- Let's TRY! (Look at the Climograph above) (Highlight for ans)
- Step 1: Mean Annual Temperature = (highest temp + lowest temp) / 2
= (30°C+27°C) / 2
= 57/2
Mean Annual Temperature = 28.5°C
- Step 2: Annual temperature range = Highest temp - Lowest temp = 30°C-27°C = 3°C
- Step 3: Total Annual Rainfall 200mm+200mm+200mm+210mm+160mm+170mm+155mm+180mm+190mm+ 195mm+200mm = 2060mm/year
- Step 4: TAD x 3
- The mean annual(T) temperature is high(A) at 28.5°C(D). The annual(T) temperature range is small(A) at about 3°C(D). The annual(T) rainfall is high(A), about 2060mm(D).
- Rainfall (mm)
- Temperature (°C )
- Monthly & Annual record
- Temperature
- STEP 1: Mean Annual Temperature = (highest temp + lowest temp) / 2
- STEP 2: Annual temperature range = Highest temp - Lowest temp
- Rainfall
- STEP 3: Total Annual Rainfall = Add all monthly rainfall readings
- Step 4:
- T - Time (when / period)
- A - Adjective (high,low,moderate)
- D - Data (figures)
- Write 3 TAD statements based on the above findings for Temperature & Rainfall...
- Step 4: TAD x 3
Okay, but WHY must we know how to DESCRIBE a Climograph?
Ans: So that by looking at / reading a Climograph, you will be able to know which climatic Zone it belongs to (from it's conditions).
So now can you tell which Climatic Zone does the above place in the Climograph falls within?
Ans: So that by looking at / reading a Climograph, you will be able to know which climatic Zone it belongs to (from it's conditions).
So now can you tell which Climatic Zone does the above place in the Climograph falls within?
NOW, Turn to your workbook page 87!
DO Worksheet 11.2 Quest 2.
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