Sunday 27 January 2013

S1E5 - 28Jan Lesson Updates

What's Covered Today 28/1/13,Monday...

  •  Reading the Wind Vane
    • Wind blowing FROM      = reading taken from where the arrow is pointing to
    • Wind blowing TO           = reading taken from where the Tail of the arrow

  • Where to place a Wind Vane 
    • High, open space, no obstruction & visible to people

  • Wind Rose (TB, Pg 143)
    • records the wind direction
    • The no. of calm days is recorded in the center circle.
    • Calm days = days with not much wind
    • The rectangle boxes represent each day of a month. So you are able to know the direction of the wind for all the days of the month.

  • Calculating Wind Speed = Using an Anemometer

  • Went through homework, W/B Ex 11.2
    • Calculate Total Monthly Rainfall = Add up all daily rainfall

  • Practice - W/B Pg 94, Quest 2 - Climograph
    • The shaded blocks - rainfall per month
    •  Horizontal line - months Jan to Dec
    • Left Vertical line - Rainfall measurement (mm)
    • Right Vertical line - Temperature (degree celcius) 
    • Curvy line above the shaded blocks shows the temperature for each month
    • You need to know how to describe the temperature & rainfall in order to know the climate type of that particlular location; thus
      • you need to know the mean annual temperature & the temperature range
      • Total Annual Rainfall 
      • You also need to know the difference

  • Can bring CALCULATOR for test/exam? Ans: YES, you can!

H/W + THINKer...   

What Climate type does this particular place on Climograph W/B pg 94 belongs to???

Noted during Lesson...

  • 2 students didn't bring their Geog materials
  • Some students were not too clear about reading the Wind Rose. After repeated examples, they got it. 

Feel free to ask questions pertaining to this lesson... 

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