Monday 28 January 2013

S1E5 - 29Jan Lesson Updates

 What's Covered Today 29/1/13, Tuesday

                     Climates around the World

  •  Climates around the World
         Divided into 3 types using temperate and rainfall patterns

    • Tropical Climate, Temperate Climate & Polar Climate
    • Location on Earth - Latitudes
      • Tropics of Cancer 23.5N
      • Tropics of Capricorn 23.5S
      • Equator 0
      • Antarctic Circle 90N
      • Arctic Circle 90S

    • Characteristics of Tropical Climate
      • Located between the latitudes 23.5N ans 23.5S
      •  Does not experience 4 seasons,
      •  High temperature (between 26 -32/34 degree Celsius) & High Annual Rainfall throughout the year. 
      • Temperature range is very small.
      • Eg: Singapore

    • Characteristics of Temperate Climate
      •  Located between the latitudes 23.5N/S ans 66.5 N/S
      • Experiences all 4 seasons, 
      • Moderate compared to tropical climate (between 34 - 0 degree Celsius)
      • very high & very low temperatures
      • Temperature range is large.
      • Eg: United Kingdom

    • Characteristics of Polar Climate
      • Located between the latitudes  66.5N & 90N and 66.5S & 90S
      • Also known as tundra climate
      • Extremely Cold 
      • Temperature below 0 degrees Celsius
      • Low rainfall in the form of precipitation
      • Eg: Antarctica, Greenland & Iceland  (No humans live there!)

  • Practiced W/B Pg 93, Worksheet 11.3
  • Temperature (degree Celsius): 
    • more than 20 = High, Between 10-20 = moderate    &    less than, <10 = Low
  • Precipitation (mm)
    • more than, >10 = large, between 5-10 = small    &    less than, <5 = Very small
  • Reading the Climograph
    • TAD 
      • T - Time (from when to when)
      • A - Adjective (high, moderate, low)
      • D - Data (range between x-y  /  of x degree Celsius) 
    • To be able to describe the Temperature; You need to 
      • 1st, find Mean Annual Temperature: (Max+Min) / 2
      • 2nd, find Temperature range = Max -Min
      • Lastly, do your TAD for both 1st & 2nd
    • To be able to describe the Rainfall; You need to 
      • 1st, find the Total Annual Rainfall = Add all monthly rainfalls
      • Then do you TAD.

H/W :



Did You know.... Penguins and Polar Bears live at the opposite ends of the Earth (Opposite poles)

Noted during Lesson...

  • Some students seems to be confused. 

Feel free to ask questions pertaining to this lesson... 

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