Wednesday 23 January 2013

S1E5, Introduction to Geography

Summary of Chapter 1 & 3 - whats covered in class...

1. Sec 1 Geography

  • In Sec 1, you will be covering Physical Geography. In Sec 2, you will do Human Geography.

2. Introduction to Geography 

  • Geo means Earth & Graphein means Write/Describe=Study. Thus Geography in simple words means 'Study of Earth'
  • Study about? Physical & Human Environment & It's Relationship
  • Physical Environment 
    • mainly consists of physical features such as mountains, rivers and forest 
    • Exist naturally; not created by people
    • Example: Kalahari Desert, in Southern Africa (Kung Bushmen)
  • Human Environment
    • when a physical environment is changed by human activities. eg. farming, constructions, alteration to rivers and etc. 
    • Example: Singapore-Our Home
  • Wkbk Ex 1.1 completed
  • H/W: Wkbk Ex2.2 (gone thru on 14/1)

3. Adaptation - How people adapt to the Environment & 

    • Some people in a largely physical environment (Eg. Kung Bushmen) adapt (learn to live with it) to their environment by making little or no changes to it. They instead, learn how to make use the natural resources that's available to make a living. (Eg. using ostrich egg shell to collect water)
    • Natural resources refers to the materials that are available in the physical environment for our use.

   The Interrelationship between people and environment

    • People either change themselves to suit the environment (Eg. Kung Bushmen) or make changes to the environment to suit them (Singapore from a forested area to now a busy city; using of technology)
  • H/W: Wkbk Ex3.2 (gone thru on 15/1)


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