Monday 28 January 2013

S1N3 - 29Jan Lesson Updates

What's Covered Today 29/1/13, Tues...

  • What is a Maximum and Minimum Thermometer
  • How to read the measurements..
  • Practiced W/B Ex 11.1, Pg 82
  • Groupwork: Had Hands-On with a real Thermometer
    • Resetting of the thermometer (maximum temperature)
    • Reading the temperature from the metal Index. Readings should be taken from below the Metal Index. 

  • Where to place a Max Min thermometer.
    • In a Stevenson Screen -  a white wooden box with louvers (allows air circulation & prevents direct sunlight/heat). 
    • It is placed about 1 meter above ground (to avoid heat radiated from ground to affect temperature) in a open field where air can circulate freely.

For those who did not complete or asked to redo; to get Geog File decorated by next lesson. 


Why some thermometer uses mercury and others alcohol to measure temperature? 

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