Tuesday 26 February 2013

Floods and storms slam Australia

A natural disaster is declared on the north coast of the Australian state of New South Wales amid flooding brought on my days of torrential rain, while a small cyclone hits south of Sydney.

Watch Video

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Earth Safe from Asteroid's Close Fly by Next Week

An asteroid will give Earth a historically close shave next week, but there's no chance that the space rock will slam into our planet on this pass, experts say.

Sunday 3 February 2013

S1N3 - 6 Feb Lesson Updates

Location of Instruments and 

Impacts of Weather

S1N3 - 4&5 Feb Lesson

>>> Climatic Zones & It's conditions                                   >>> How to read and describe a Climographs 

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Thursday 24 January 2013

Tips on Note Taking during Lesson

Many do not realize the key to Note Taking... 

There is No Right and Wrong of course.. But there is always an Easier Way or Method...

Sec 1 Geo Vocab List

Under Construction....

Sec 1 Chapter 11: Weather & Climate

Chapter 11: Weather & Climate Notes

In Summary....... 
1. Difference (W-CS/C-PL)
2. Elements of Weather = Tom Ran West (TRV)
3a. Climate Type and it's conditions = Tom Rides Lexus Expensive Car (TRLEC)

3b. How to read and describe Climograph = Tom Ate Donut (TAD)
4. Impacts = Tom Ran West, plus minus (TRV+-)